I don't know about you, but I am an incredibly s.l.o.w photographer when I am left to my own devices. I take a dozen variations of the same shot and only move on when I feel satisfied enough with the result. Sometimes, you get that feeling like you have caught a firefly in the palm of your hand or discovered a small fortune. Those are the photographs you think of when you are sitting on a train or in a café and reflecting on the day's "catch" - those are the photographs you can't wait to download to your computer and perfect. And yet, sometimes, other images totally surprise you. You cycle through the multitude of variations and painstakingly choose the most technically solid and aesthetically appealing one out of the minimally differing alternatives (this one or this one? or this one?), and sometimes this exercise gives rise to new favorites.
But what about those photographs that don't quite catch your attention during the first or even second pass? Does it ever happen to you that you go through images you've moved past -- months or even years later -- and discover new favorites?
It happens to me, so reliably in fact that I have made a little tradition out of it by now to occasionally sift through old backups on a mission to pull out "rediscoveries". It is a direct testament to how our perception changes, and how returning to a place (even if virtually) leads you to love something that barely caught your attention at a previous time.
Every so often, this "lookback" results in new additions to the Veni Etiam collection, though the photographs themselves may have been taken several years ago.
I thought I would occasionally share these with you through this blog series, not only for you to find out what is new in shop, but also in case you are curious about the kinds of places, moods or compositions I have rediscovered lately.
Here are this season's rediscoveries. If you click on each one, you'll be taken to my Etsy shop where I have just freshly added these fine-art prints to the collection.