It sounds incredibly cheesy as business advice, but sometimes I am just incredibly cheesy. Pay attention to what you gravitate towards, what you love to do, what you’d love to share with others. You may not want to start a full-time business out of a hobby – and that’s totally reasonable – but if there’s something you’re passionate about and want to do more with, the first step is searching within yourself to pinpoint exactly what you can do. Sometimes life has a way of showing you what you’re good at, again and again and again, until you decide to make something more out of it.
It can be daunting to chase a dream – even more daunting to dabble in things you have no idea about, like websites, licenses and accounting. But there is nothing more important than constantly reminding yourself that you can do anything with a little motivation and time. Finding the right balance between pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone yet being kind to yourself is really key. Often, we dwell on what we think are limitations to our success, but as someone wise consistently points out - these are only excuses! Think about all the crazy things you let your mind believe in a day. Why wouldn't you believe in your own potential? It takes time to retrain your brain to be on your side. You’ll have to be patient until you get the hang of it.
Doesn’t it feel like most people are entrepreneurs nowadays? Aren’t there tons of people on Etsy or in your community who do something similar to what you do? That’s why it’s so important to be clear on your mission and to find your own spin or niche. Most often, the fresh spin is related to your own personality, your own story and your own strengths. Those are the characteristics that set you apart from others and that make your mission appealing to others, so channel your uniqueness in your business.
It sounds like permission to be reckless. But what it is, is permission to take risks. There are always risks involved with starting something new, shaking up your status quo. There are also risks to business. There is always a lot to learn, and with the rate at which things change in our modern world, you can never learn it all. You should thoughtfully reflect, brainstorm, research, read up on resources and plan. But ultimately, you’ll have to take a leap of faith and learn as you go.
It still astonishes me daily just how there is a wealth of information online FOR FREE, and how even incredible courses from world-renowned individuals can be FREE of charge. Make sure that "professional development" is on your routine to-do list for your business. This is something I only started doing at the end of last year, in the 2nd year of my business. I can honestly say that investing time in reading, watching videos, finding mentors and subscribing to their resources has accelerated my personal and professional growth in ways that could not be underestimated. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and to fall behind, so carve out time to find, digest and implement information from resources.
Let me know in a comment which one of these tips resonated with you.
This was Part 3 of the Birthday Blog Series. Veni Etiam Photography is celebrating its two-year birthday this month. Stay tuned for more of the 7-part blog series and take advantage of the special PAIRDEAL birthday promotion until January 31st.