There have been a couple of reasons for the brief blog hiatus. For one, I've really been focusing my efforts on my Instagram channel. Since I joined Instagram this spring, I have enjoyed interacting with a whole new set of followers there. If you follow my channel, you may have noticed a mix of photographs and themes, compared to what you see on my blog, Pinterest or Facebook. Not only do I share photos that are part of the Veni Etiam Photography collection, but I occasionally also take you #outandabout and show you the #dailydetails that inspire me. As I work on new projects this summer and fall, I'll be sharing some behind the scenes snapshots as well. But since I also dabble in portrait photography and food photography for fun now and then, I've started a series on Instagram with hashtags #fromplacestofaces and #foodscapes to share those "dabblings" with you.
Other fantastic news: Veni Etiam Photography will be part of the Etsy Fait au Québec artisan market again this fall. Mark your calendars for the weekend of September 24-25 (10 am – 6 pm) at the Technopole Angus. I’ll have fine-art prints, metal prints and magnets with me at the market. Come say hi and discover the many talented artisans of our vibrant local community.
Keep in touch! Write me with special requests and follow me on Instagram!