experiences and ponder what we have learned. We can't help but feel hopeful,
optimistic, though possibly a little daunted when turning the page from one year to
the next, a blank slate ahead of us, waiting to be written.
Over the last two years, I have developed and used these reflection prompts to help me verbalize my insights, wishes and goals both with respect to my business but also my personal life. When I do this exercise, I am always amazed at how it reduces my anxiety, grounds my perspective, centers me with my main priorities and boosts my confidence in my abilities and my decisions.
It helps me distill what I want to do less of, more of, and what I want to maintain in the new year. It gives me a roadmap to follow during the year when I want to focus or reassess my strategies. It allows me to celebrate my growth and my purpose.
Without further ado, I invite you to sign up to receive this tool in your inbox, with the hope that you can use the exercises or tweak them to reflect on YOUR life or business.
This free workbook is for you if:
- You're not sure where to start when it comes to setting intentions for the new year for your business or personal life
- You could use a structured exercise with reflection prompts to help you look back or plan ahead
- You could use help figuring out the priorities and goals most important to you
- You would like to reflect on how you have changed and what you have learned
- You would like to create a set of intentions that will guide all your decisions

Sign up here to receive it in your inbox!
Happy New Year!
I wish you light, inspiration and ease for 2019! I hope you will do and be what inspires you most, without self-doubt or fear. Because if we all feel inspired, we will collectively make this world a better place! Thank you so so much for being there with me this year, for all your kind words, memorable conversations, touching collaborations and for your trust in me. It is an incredible privilege to meet you, create for you, and get to know you!
From my heart to yours,