The idyllic pastel palette of Burano, Venice
The months rushed on, without the possibility of return, like the Adige river
(Rovereto, Italy)
In a town of millions of bicycles, paint yours red
(Amsterdam, Nethelands)
The steel dome is a unique and iconic sight for locals and visitors
(Montreal, Canada)
Wherever you go and whatever you do, forget not what I feel for you
(Montreal, Canada)
Guarding the hilltops and bringing you peace
(A mountain near Miyajima, Japan)
A perfect light filtered through the Italian Alps on a glorious spring day
(Riva del Garda, Italy)
The vibrant colors of a promising spring
(Rovereto, Italy)
Local life in a quiet 'Campiello'
(Venice, Italy)
Mornings in the old town and its rustic light
(Rovereto, Italy)
The delicate softness of magnolia petals
(Montreal, Canada)
Sometimes life becomes even more beautiful when it has been graced with raindrops
(Bangor, Wales)
Amsterdam bicycles know raindrops all too well, even in summer
(Amsterdam, Netherlands)
A day like any other - of blue skies, gorgeous blooms and peaceful local life
(Polignano al Mare, Puglia, Italy)
Picturesque everyday scenes, in all their simplicity
(Burano, Venice, Italy)
Simplicity, optimism and endurance
(Old Montreal, Canada)
Have faith: She is watching over you
(Rovereto, Italy)
Sometimes the simplest sights are worth pausing to record
(Polignano al Mare, Puglia, Italy)
It will be a season of peace and balance
(Montreal, Canada)
My melancholic friend in Lincoln Park
(Chicago, USA)
Parked for lunch
(Riva del Garda, Italy)