It's such a fun feeling to be preparing to leave on a trip. The best part is when all the errands are done, the laundry is done, and the empty suitcase is sitting on the bed next to the packing list while music is blaring.
Like anything else in life, packing skills improve with practice, patience and experience.
Here are 7 packing strategies that I have honed over the years.
1. Invest in a lightweight suitcase
2. Scrutinize your selection
Think in terms of the contexts in which you’ll use what you’re packing. If you have the mildest doubt, eliminate it. Plan outfits – not one for every day or even twice a day, but think instead in terms of mixable and interchangeable combinations and layers. Plan to handwash just a few items if you won’t have access to laundry facilities (in fact: you could pack a travel clothesline, which is super convenient!) Opt for versatile footwear over multiple pairs.
Cut down heavily on the toiletries; if you end up needing something, chances are you will be able to get it there, or you may be able to live without it! Also, keep toiletries travel-sized even if you are checking your bag in.
3. Maximize your space
4. Squeeze the air out!
5. Ward off stains and spills
6. Keep all your electronic gadgets in one place
7. Keep it fresh
8. Don't forget the duct tape
Leave a comment and tell me a tip of your own that I missed. I'd love to know!
From my heart to yours.