So hard to believe, in fact, that I have found myself mentally double-checking my arithmetic (2015 to 2017, yes, two years. Duh, silly girl).
In two years, Veni Etiam went from being a web portfolio with a blog, to a dynamic shop, as well as a seller on Etsy and in the local Montreal community, with its growing inclusion in stores and art fairs.

Building a business at the same time as building a research career was as bizarre as it was, simply put, “me”. The only downside about having two lives was that I didn’t have as much time and energy to make Veni Etiam grow to its full potential right away. But life isn't a race, and sometimes we benefit more when we don't try to force the pace of everything.
A lot has changed in two years, and I feel momentum, excitement and gratitude. I am pumped for this year and so grateful for followers who “get” what I do and why I do it, who feel inspired by my photographs and stories, and whose feedback always keeps me motivated and aligned with how to best serve you.
♥ On the blog this month, you can follow my Birthday Blog Series featuring 7 posts about travel, photography and home décor, including glimpses into Veni Etiam’s personality and mine. Keep an eye on the blog or on Instagram and Facebook!
♥ For this special occasion only, you'll receive a FREE 8x8 print on textured fine-art paper with any art purchase.
I'll ship worldwide, but free pick-up in Montreal is always an option.
UNTIL MONDAY ONLY (16.01), members on my VIP list get:
♥ to choose which 8x8 fine-art print they wish to receive for free
♥a bonus chapter with the story behind the photograph or travel tips for the place featured in the photo
Not on my VIP list? Let’s remedy this! Sign up and you'll receive my monthly newsletter AND 20% off your first purchase.
Don’t procrastinate – it’s not good for you ;)
From my heart to yours.