The photographs you see have a story behind them, and that is why each of them has a title. Of course, some of the titles are totally self-explanatory, whereas others have a deeper meaning, at times in another language (more on that in an upcoming post!).
I share some of those stories with you in my "Made Me Look" series, where I tell you about that micromoment where I decided to snap the picture. But, I thought I'd start a series called "What's in a name?" to do just that -- describe the reason for the title.
You can follow my new series on Instagram (#whatsinaname_venietiam). If you're curious about a photograph and would like it to be subject of a post, drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you.
The concept of Veni Etiam Photography is to bring the feeling, beauty and color of places around the world into your everyday space, to uplift and inspire you, letting you reminisce or dream. I chose the name "Veni Etiam" as it is a Latin phrase meaning "Return again". Each time you return to a place, you discover something new. No place is ever the same (and neither are you), and this is at once beautiful and tragic. "Veni Etiam" is also an expression that has been used in literature to describe Venice. As Venice is my deepest inspiration, this is my tribute to Her.